SEO information A content audit can help you: Streamline site operations Modify and improve existing content when necessary Improve the Job Function Email List quality of all content – current and planned – and maintain that level of quality many content strategists point to Job Function Email List content auditing as their best friend. This gives you a high-level view of your content so that you can organize it, manage it
Effectively and efficiently, keep it current, and make informed decisions about new types of content that are likely to perform well. Job Function Email List When, and how often, should we audit our content? It's time to do a content audit if you find yourself in any of the following situations: You've never done it. No one remembers the last time you did it. Job Function Email List Your content has evolved since the last audit.
Your content is old, outdated, or underperforming. You are developing a new content strategy. You plan to implement a new content management technology. Job Function Email List Time for an audit if you plan to implement cathymc knight's new content management technology via marciar johnston Click To TweetCathy draws attention to Job Function Email List this last point: When you move to a new content