a series of words on the screen for just a few Algeria Email Lists thousandths of a second. One part of the participants were shown positive words Algeria Email Lists such as “wise”, “cunning” or “expert”, while the other part were shown words with Algeria Email Lists negative connotations such as “senile”, “dependent” and “sick”.
Despite the fact that the words appeared Algeria Email Lists on the screen for only a few thousandths of a second, the researchers found that the participants who saw Algeria Email Lists positive words finished the game significantly earlier than those who Algeria Email Lists were exposed to negative words .
To this day, however, it remains unclear to what Algeria Email Lists extent subliminal messages influence consumer decisions or not. To check whether Algeria Email Lists or not this is the case, Business Insider lists several ads with supposedly subliminal Algeria Email Lists messages below:Drought after brainstorming? Do you know these other methods to develop creativity?